Thursday, June 17, 2010

In Which I Was Published

I hate how it's relatively hard for me to post updates here. I really want to improve my writing. I think I could find it therapeutic if I really put some effort into it, but ultimately days wind down and restart and move forward and I never get around to doing what I think I should: writing here, calling my friends just to talk, starting a new project, working on my backlog of projects. And everyday I get a little more frustrated that I don't do those things, particularly getting in touch with friends. I realize this should be easier now with all the social networking craze, but I don't do Facebook. I can't do Facebook. I hate Facebook. I would have deleted my account long ago in protest but oftentimes it feels like the only remaining link I have to people I know. So it has remained even though I never post on it. I feel out of the loop with my friends sometimes because I'm not on Facebook. I don't like the preferred communication method so for now I will keep using the "older" methods, email, phone, skype, gmail chat (which I'm on nearly 9 hours a day). I gotta get to work on that ...

Anyway, this was only supposed to be a post about something relatively neat that just happened recently. One of those update thingies. Two articles I wrote for were picked up and actually published on their site. I only told people about the first one but they actually published both articles about a week apart. It's a very silly thing and the writing is a bit lame (and some of it was embellished just a tad). But it was fun to do, it was a complete surprise to me that both got picked up, and it was a lot of fun keeping it a secret from Rock until the first article was actually on the web page.

In other news, I am woefully behind on my reading list. I thought it was due to wedding planning and not having any free time, but I've realized that I'm just horribly stuck on this one book because it is absolutely awful. It feels painful to read but I must finish it. It's been about three or four months now since I started it and I still have about 25% of it left. Groan.

In any case, my free time for the next few weeks will be taken up by what little of the World Cup I can manage to watch. During the weekdays, I can get one game in a night before it's time for bed. Yesterday was a big day, as Honduras took the World Cup field for the first time since 1982. It is literally the first time I've seen that happen in my lifetime, and likely to be the only time I see it in my lifetime with that track record :( Sadly, they lost that game to Chile, but they put on a formidable defense. It does say something that so far Chile has had the most strikes at goal in the tournament but only one actual goal. At least we didn't end up like Australia, though we still have to play Spain :( At least Spain got one-upped by Switzerland in the biggest World Cup upset so far, so maybe that says something too... All I know is that it was rather dusty in my apartment when the Honduran flag was carried out into the field...

And, of course, my WoW activities never cease. Next week is the start of the Midsummer Fire Festival, which means that for the next two weeks I will be pursuing the last world event achievements I need to finally get my hands on that glorious 310% speed mount. It was a journey that started last October. There will likely be a separate post about that later :)


Amanda said...

Hey there - I am only on facebook still to keep up with other people. Maybe you should get a twitter? I'm on there. I tried google buzz but decided I hate it. I wish I could get my internet life back together but I never seem to find the time.

As for that book - stop reading it! I used to have this feeling that I had failed at something if I started a book and didn't finish it, but then someone reminded me, it is the author's job to make you interested in the story, and if they're not doing their job... life is too short and there are too many good books in the world to waste time like that. I think this person's rule of thumb was, read as many pages as your age, and if you're not interested in reading more, drop it.

Hope you're doing well, miss you!

Sin said...

i keep meaning to check out twitter, can you believe i've never been to their website?

that is good advice about the book...85% done though! so close! it has picked up slightly now but i think i'm just saying that...

i am also having a hard time keeping up with people, which is why im on facebook more often lately. we can still call though! :) miss you too