Monday, April 27, 2009

PTO Day for the Win

One nice thing about having a stereotypical cubicle desk job and 8-hour work days is getting paid time off, which means you can take a mini-vacation any day you want and not have to excuse yourself. Last night I realized with dread that I would have to wake up in eight hours, drag myself out of bed, commute for an hour, and go to work. This morning I realized I can call PTO day! It's like asking for a time-out.

Some WoW was played, a cake was baked, a latte was sipped out in the park, and x-files will be on the tv soon. I did catch some of today's most popular stories, the vast majority focusing on the impending swine flu epidemic (pandemic?). It seems pretty nuts, although I am confused about the severity of it since it essentially acts as a flu and, while in some cases swine flu can lead to pneumonia and death through respiratory failure, I do believe a regular flu can also be fatal. And doesn't the common flu also mutate and spread really easily and pop up everywhere around the world? Admittedly, it is quite scary to see it start up in Mexico, jump to the U.S., Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, etc. Before you know it, Madagascar is closing down EVERYTHING. And then the undead come...


Figgy said...

Finally, a blog!

What's PTO?

Also...that whole swine flu is just beyond ridiculous now. It's the newest PANIC PANIC--same as what happened with SARS and then bird flu and all that crap. People will freak out and then forget about it in a couple of weeks.

Sin said...

PTO = paid time off = vacation time to take whenever you want = awesomeness :)

except now i'm back at work, so boo :(

I am baffled by the swine flu panic. Is it just that I'm not grasping how serious an illness it is? But like I said, maybe we'll know when the undead start attacking =|