Monday, June 1, 2009

True Love

What is true love? How do you know you’ve got that something in a relationship that makes you say “I love this person, and they love me?” Love might be that he has dinner ready every night because he knows I’ve been on a long, stressful drive. Or it might be randomly buying me a chocolate cupcake because he knows chocolate makes any day instantly better. Or putting up with my random sad/whiny/angry moods when I’m being a real jerk and picking a fight and he just wants to be left alone, poor guy. Or taking me to my favorite steakhouse, even though he doesn’t like red meat. But the real proof, I think, was surprising me by transferring my level 72 shaman from our original player vs. player server to our new non PvP server.

For days now I’ve been working myself up to actually spend money to transfer my character. We moved to a non PvP server because we couldn’t go 30 minutes without getting killed by some jerk in our PvP server. There was no way leveling up to 80 was going to happen that way. So we gave up on our dearly beloved characters and started fresh in a server where PvP combat is optional. It worked really well and in no time at all I had a level 71 hunter and he had a level 73 shaman. But I never forgot my original shaman. She was the first character I leveled up to 70, back when that was the leveling cap. She was getting close to maxing out her engineering skill (which, I do believe, is one of the hardest professions in the game). And she actually had her flying mount and epic gear already. But I couldn’t make that final decision and just transfer her already.

Then last week I log into my non PvP server and I do a double-take. Standing in the login screen is Sinadia, in her epic gear, and it takes me a good 10 or 20 seconds to put it together cause I’m bewildered as to how my long-missed shaman has suddenly appeared in my new server. And that was five days ago and I still can’t believe that Rock rushed home to his computer after work (on his bike, no less) to log into my account and pay to transfer my character and make sure she was all ready to go before I got home. It is the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to me :)

So there she is. She did get a slightly new name because Sinadia was taken on the new sever, but Sinnadia is close enough I suppose. I can’t wait to work on her engineering skills again and see if I can build myself a motorcycle (why, yes, I did pick engineering as a profession because I’m an engineer, but I think this post has already established that I’m a nerd). Now I need to come up with something equally outstanding and awesome to surprise Rock with. Any ideas?

Mood: lovey
Music: Broken River Prophet's "With Infinite Arms to Cradle the Flames" (it's finally mine! so awesome...)
Movie: City of Ember (soooo you're telling me that all this time you haven't figured out how to use fire for heat and light and cooking? oookaaay... and the best the builders could do for an exit strategy was a water park slide of death? i guess that was to make sure only the fittest survived to repopulate...i see what you did there)


Anonymous said...

Very insightful blog. you are a very good writer and articulate your feelings to text without losing your humanness.

thanks for sharing, tristan

Anonymous said...

forgot to mention: i've written a blogpost on what i think is "true love."
please read it and let me know what you think.

thanks, tristan

Sin said...

thank you for the kind words!

Amanda said...

you guys are adorable giant NERDS. ;-)

Sin said...

heh, yeah :) it's true. even more sad, we were both just playing now. it keeps me from having to talk to him :D